My Song


Hello everyone,

I didn’t even know I was subscribed on this sub, but thought hey might as well share my music and my story I guess. So last year I released a song called “keep yourself warm” which is my very first song I had ever released. I have been writing music and performing since I could talk, but I was really hesitant to release my first song because it took me so long to write and capture exactly what I was feeling at the time writing it. It took 6 months to fully write and it was an ode to all of my exes who I cared and still care deeply for. It encompassed just part of what I would like to say to them which is please just take care of yourself and I hope for the best for you. I recorded this in 1 take, this is unfortunately a demo and I was supposed to fully produce it in March, however COVID hit and my producer was unable to do any of it remotely because of his own school work. I am proud of myself for taking the initiative to put it out there and if it wasn’t for my recent ex encouraging me to put it out there, it wouldn’t be just another of the hundreds of songs that would never be heard by the public. As of last year I only had 400 streams on Spotify (which is a lot for me considering I didn’t think it would even reach 100 streams) and now it has 700 streams as of today which again is such a milestone for me.


This is an acoustic piece again done in 1 take. I am finishing writing my other pieces and will be transitioning out of acoustic music and into more synth indie music this winter as I produce my EP that is titled “Apt 518” which will include 3 spoken pieces, 1 cover, and 2 songs. I would really appreciate if y’all would take a look at this and just even giving any pointers to how I could improve! Thanks and I hope y’all have a great day!



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