Archerie: new sounds, wanting of ears… Give us your feedback


greetings from Flint, MI…we are Archerie, a couple of young aspiring musicians who’ve had virtually no exposure. I would describe our sound as a dreamy blend of Jazz, Pop, and Psychedelia…we are completely independent as of now and have recorded and produced everything ourselves. I will link our two current releases to this post, “Mulholland Drive” and “Down (A Very Good Sum).” I’d love to know what everyone thinks, and really I am just eager for folks to hear our music and don’t know where to start. Please tell me what you think of the music, share it with your people if you like it, and please do give any much needed advice of how to gain exposure and an audience. we’re on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, et cetera…many thanks – yours truly, Evan H.

[Mulholland Drive](

[Down (A Very Good Sum)](


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