Livestream concerts
Seems like this is the month everyone got sick of not playing shows, everytime I open my phone I find a new live virtual concert being announced. I’ve watched a few but some of them I don’t hear about until a few hours before or after and that’s a damned shame because Im more than willing to throw 10$ at most of these for something to do on a saturday night. Which brings me to my proposition; can we get a megathread going on who is playing virtual shows. No judgements on taste or anything just a place to dump some links so we can all both support the artists we love and have some semblance of normalcy in these trying times? I don’t care if the mods paraphrase this and pin their own post I just want somewhere to look.
P.S. Saw stop making sense at a small theater a few weeks ago and had everyone in the theater cheering between songs by the end of it, I miss concerts.
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