Random lyrics day 3


You find so many people are far too hasty
But you are simply tasty

I like the way you Scream.
I like the way you Cry.
I like the way you Die.

You find so many people are far too hasty
But you are simply tasty

I love the way you wear your hair,
Spreading your style everywhere.
You’re like a style fountain.
Enough zazz for a whole mountain.

You find so many people are far too hasty
But you are simply tasty

You’re the perfect person.
You could meet a worse one.

You find so many people are far too hasty
But you are simply tasty

Idiotic, Smelly and Genocidal,
Mentaly unstable and Depressed too,
Are the qualities of you

You find so many people are far too hasty
But you are simply tasty


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