Electric Needle Room – George Washington (Music Video)

To download this song for free, visit: http://electricneedleroom.bandcamp.com/track/george-washington

By day, Matt Beat is a high school history teacher. By night, the multi-instrumentalist writes and records songs about dead Presidents. Actual dead Presidents. Not the rap duo. He is recording them chronologically, and these are the first 15. Didn’t know anything about Martin Van Buren? Now you do. These songs are educational and catchy.

George Washington
The First President
Revolutionary Hero
Father of the country
The continental army
You held the new country
He made his mark in the militia in the Seven Years War
He lived an aristocratic lifestyle, like many British before
But when the British acted up, he became commander in chief
In the war he proved to everyone that he was born to lead
Despite some major setbacks in Brandywine and Valley Forge
He always reminded his troops what they were fighting for
He never liked politics, never liked to play that game
But the new country needed a President, so they just forced him in
He remains the only President to receive 100% of the electoral votes
George Washington
The First President
Revolutionary Hero
Founder of the state
You are known as great
You set precedent
For everyone
He didn’t belong to a political party, he hoped that no one would
He warned about foreign influence, said it was no good
He listened to dissenters, he gave every voice a chance
But if it clashed with the Constitution, he would have to pass
He helped design Jay’s Treaty, stopped the Whiskey Rebellion
He warned against permanent alliances with any of the foreign world
We named our capital after him and a whole state
He never wanted to be President, but I guess that was his fate
He was unable to have biological children because of contracting smallpox when he was younger


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