K-Luxuriant – They Tell Me Look Down [Hip-Hop/Rap]


Debut Studio Single ‘**They Tell Me Look Down**’ Available Everywhere! Written, Produced & Performed by K-Luxuriant. [Watch here](https://push.fm/fl/ttmld)

**Concept:** Saying with the concept of fast lifestyle, people always say “*how long will he last?*” With something going up at a speed, will eventually fall down; But if you’re dedicated to something you believe in the most then nothing pull you back over the fence once you have reached on the other side.
You should always focus on your long term goals neglecting phonies. Because they always come on the line for favours only!

‘They Tell Me Look Down’ chart data: [https://everipedia.org/they-tell-me-look-down-k-luxuriant-song](https://everipedia.org/they-tell-me-look-down-k-luxuriant-song)


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